Terms and Conditions

  1. Full course price should be paid prior to the beginning of the course.
  2. A registered student may request a refund of the amount paid within the first week of payment. After this deadline, the amount paid will no longer be refunded.
  3. The language used for the driving license exam is Italian, French or German.
  4. At the end of a Plus version course the students shall take a final test, passing of which enables them to obtain a Certificate of completion.
  5.  Access to the online course located on the website means access to its video lessons, exercises, educational games and downloads of documents in pdf format. The buyer gains access to the online course immediately after full payment of the price and is limited in time.
  6. The period of access to the course starts from the date of purchase and lasts 16 weeks.
  7. If the student does not complete the course within the 16 weeks of access, they can purchase a new permit keeping track of what has been done previously.
  8. A student whose course has been activated can request the postponement of the activation within the first week. In any case, activation cannot be delayed for more than 4 months.
  9. Access to the user account is secured by username and password. The buyer is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information necessary to access their user account, and may not in  any way further distribute online courses or materials that will be sent or made available to them after their purchase. In the event of a breach of the above conditions, the buyer will be immediately denied access to the user account without the right to a refund of any part of the amount paid.
  10. The buyer is not entitled to allow the use of the user account by third parties.

Individual lessons: Rights and obligations of the parties

Before booking an individual lesson, the student will have purchased the lesson.

  1. If the student does not show up for the lesson at an agreed time, the teacher is not required to make up for the student’s delay.
  2. The student is required to notify by email the cancellation of a lesson, not later than 24 hours before the scheduled lesson. If the cancellation is not made on time, the lesson will be deemed delivered.
  3. The teacher is not required to provide additional material to the online lesson (exercises, readings, etc.). Subject to agreement with the teacher, the student may decide to purchase a textbook if the lesson is not linked to one of the online courses offered.
  4. Should the teacher or the substitute teacher not be able to deliver a lesson, he is required to notify the student in advance. If the lesson cannot be delivered within the indicated time/ date, the student has the right to a make-up lesson.
  5. The student is required to book the lesson no later than 4 months from the purchase. At the end of this period the student loses the right to the lesson.

These terms and conditions define the rights and obligations of buyers and the seller, who is a natural person conducting business: 
Email: feedback@live2learn.co


All products are protected by copyright.
It is forbidden to copy, distribute, sell or provide electronic (PDF) or printed products to third parties without the consent of the author.

Method of payment

It is possible to pay by bank transfer to the scuolaonline crown account or via online payment gateway.